

There is already a good, but unwritten ethos within the business to make sustainable and ethical purchase choices.

We have already committed to working with Trees Not Tees in 2021 who are clearly aligned to our environmental and sustainability goals.

Use local suppliers wherever possible.

Purchase products with minimal packaging.

Purchase products that are certified such as FSC and Fairtrade.

Choose products that are made from biodegradable materials.

Choose reusable products rather than single use products.

Minimise printing on paper and choose to share information digitally wherever possible.



Create a business-wide procurement policy that prioritises sustainability, reusability, and biodegradability.

Work with all our suppliers, contractors and traders to share our sustainable vision and ensure that any organisation attending our events meet our minimum standards.


 Above: We always aim to use local suppliers and attract local sponsors and we pledge to share our sustainable vision with them ©No Limits Photography

We are pledging to have a sustainable procurement policy in place for 2021 that is integrated into the business, ensuring that all the team are considering sustainability when purchasing the products and services we need in order to deliver our events. 


We recognise that everything we purchase does leave an impact and it is important to take time to consider how our products are made and where they are coming from. We will communicate this commitment to our suppliers and ask they comply or join us in making this commitment to sustainability. 

Our procurement policy will be underpinned by four stages – commit, understand, improve and communicate. The start of the process will examine our decision-making process and will help us to determine which areas of our purchasing has the largest environmental impact. From here we can prioritise which changes will be the most achievable and work in order of priority. In order to help our team, we can utilise green directories to assist with the decision-making process. A number of green directories are now available to assist events in understanding which suppliers embrace sustainable practices – this helps us save a bit more time. 

We will also adopt the principles of avoid, reduce, reuse and recycle. It is very easy for event organisers to purchase too much rather than just enough especially in the run up to an event when everything is time critical – we are all guilty of those ‘just in case’ last-minute purchases just before an event. 


Did you know?

This area of focus is part of our progression towards goal 5 of the Outdoor Friendly Pledge



