Sustainability strategy launch
Today, Ourea Events is excited to launch an official sustainability strategy.
Like our participants, we all love the mountains in which we run, climb and walk. These mountain landscapes form a key part of the global natural environment, yet they are threatened by the climate and ecological emergency unfolding in front of us. We believe that we all have a responsibility to do what we can to reduce our impact on the environment.
To find out more about our sustainability strategy for the future, we would invite you to read through our sustainability pages which cover the following areas: ecology, transport, waste, social, food, procurement and energy.
Another key element of our sustainability strategy involves making a commitment to the goals of organisations that share our vision like The Outdoor Friendly Pledge.
A participant passing through Snowdonia on the 2019 Dragon's Back Race® - An example of the amazing mountain landscape that we wish to help protect, conserve and repair ©No Limits Photography
A key part of our sustainability strategy is to take The Outdoor Friendly Pledge, developed by mountain athlete Kilian Jornet.
The goal of this pledge is to identify, focus-on and reduce the pollution and greenhouse gas generating components of event organisation. To share good practice and advocate for a more sustainable outdoor event industry so that the amazing mountain landscape that we practice our sport in is protected, conserved and repaired.